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#FactCheck: Did Pornhub Pop-Up Really Appear On CNN Magic Wall?

On Friday, 6th of November, a Youtube video was shared on Nairaland, one of Nigeria’s leading chat forum.  The Youtube video was viewed over 69, 000 on Youtube. And after being shared on Nairaland, it had over 830 views with several comments and banters. The said video which has no sound also featured on a Nigerian blog, on Facebook and on Twitter where it went viral within a short space of time.

Pornhub is one of the world’s leading website with free pornography videos.

The post appeared on Nairaland with the headline CNN Anchor Receives Porn-hub Notification On Screen During Vote Analysis (VIDEO). The video claims that John King, a CNN TV host had Pornhub icon drop on the top right corner of his screen while he was analysing votes in the just concluded United State Presidential election.

Here is a link to the fake video

But contrary to the views of those who watched the vote analysis on CNN Live, they were of the opinion that no such thing happened.

This lead to taking a critical look at the playback of the show, which has sound compared to the initial vieo without sound.  The playback helps to establish the fact that the information highlighting that CNN’S chief correspondent, John King tried to close pornhub pop-up notification, which dropped on the top right of the CNN “magic wall” or virtual election map, while analysing results of the 2020 United States Elections is totally false and that the real video was edited to mislead.

To further nail the digitally manipulated video as fake and its message as misleading, CNN Contributor, Tancredi Palmeri found and shared the genuine clip from CNN on his Twitter handle.

The playback from the CNN shows that the said video had been edited to feature the pornhub logo while CNN anchors Wolf Blitzer and John King discuss new votes counted in Pennsylvania.

Apparently, there was a pop-up notification which John king did quickly clear off the screen, but the footage from CNN playback reveals that the pop-up was not from Porn hub.

It’s still unclear what exactly dropped or appeared on King’s screen, or what the message notification implied, but it was not in any way related to pornography.

Also, John King on Twitter responded to a Tweet where a user asked that he clarifies the rumour. John King respondedsaying

“Not. Some clown taking time away from lying about something else apparently because they don’t like math.”

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